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April Meeting

Writer's picture: Knutsford Floral DesignKnutsford Floral Design

Chairman Liz Turner welcomed members and guests to the April meeting of Knutsford Floral Design Club.

After the notices, detailing some exciting future events, Liz welcomed the demonstrator, Club Member Pat Murphy, whose title for the afternoon was ‘Design with Colour’. Pat commenced her demonstration with a very striking design in black and white, featuring white lilies and black medelino and mitsumata sticks. Pat then went on to produce five more designs in an array of colours using many beautiful flowers set off with a lovely selection of foliage. At the end of the demonstration the stage looked absolutely stunning.

The members competition this month was entitled ‘Shades of Green’. The winners in the various classes are as follows.

Novices and New Members 1. Marion Downes

Intermediate 1. Marilou Knowles 2. Liz Turner

Advanced 1. Lorraine Dorset 2. Julie Alexander

Premier 1. Dorothy Monks 2. Gill Todd 3. Marilyn Makepeace-Warne

The next meeting will be on Wednesday May 15th at 1.30 for a prompt 2.00 pmstart and will be at Plumley Village Hall. Guests are always welcome at a charge of £8.00. The demonstrator will be Anthony Williams with the title ‘Designing for Summer’ and the title for the members’ competition is ‘Blooms and Bark’. There will be a bring and buy sale of plants at the May meeting.


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